B2B2C – Love My Romance Valentine’s Day Sweepstakes

The goal of this Sweepstakes was to increase Valentine's Day Jewelry Brand Awareness for the Romance Brand.

955.6K Consumer Entries. 11.3K Consumer Shares. Increased Brand Awareness During Valentine's Day.

Congratulations Lauren Gaspard, our Romance Valentine's Sweepstakes Winner! Lauren picked up her beautiful ring at Armentor Jewelers, our retail partner with locations in Lafayette, New Iberia and Abbeville, Louisiana.

Lauren Gaspard, The Romance Valentine's Sweepstakes Winner!
The goal of this Sweepstakes was to increase Valentine's Day Jewelry Brand Awareness for the Romance Brand. They offered another one of their top selling design as the Sweepstakes Prize and the Consumers responded with an another astonishing amount of 955.6K entries.
A 5% email retention rate of about 25,000 valid, registered consumers was achieved after the multiple, email entries were removed. This Sweepstakes was an innovative way to engage the consumer base during Valentine's Day. This creative campaign was able to increase the reach of brand awareness during Valentine's Day by showing potential prospective consumer audiences, the Love My Romance Brand.
955.6K Entries
5% Email Retention

955.6K Entries. 11.3K Shares.

21,1638 Likes. 1,419 Shares. 358 Comments.

21,1638 Likes. 1,419 Shares. 358 Comments.
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